Today is the first day of the heartworm treatment to kill the baby heartworm in her blood system and tomorrow morning she starts doxycycline for the next 30 days. We started her on the tri-heart plus today first alone, to see if there are any immediate side effects. There were none, thankfully. Other than some diarrhea she was her same old self.
We were originally supposed to take her in to start treatment for heartworm removal and we did some research and called our vet back after calling numerous other vets and asked if we could hold off for 3 more months? Instead of starting it on June 1st, she’s going in on September 1st. They also said that the FDA recommendations are for 6 months after diagnosis. Glad I do research! 🙂
She still has heartworm, but it would be awesome if when we took her in on September 1st they checked her for heartworm and it was gone! Would be flipping Amazing! But, I won’t count on it. Positive thoughts for my beastie girl!